BCA Membership for 2024-2025

Thanks for your interest in being a member of the Burnaby Citizens Association!

To be a member of the Burnaby Citizens Association you must meet certain eligibility criteria in BC law and our party bylaws. You must be a citizen or permanent resident of Canada, at least 13 years of age, live in Burnaby, and not be a member or supporter of an opposing municipal party or independent candidate. All members of the BCA must also be members in good standing in the BC NDP.

Download a member application form. Complete the form electronically, then upload your completed form , along with your supporting documents. Legible scans and photographs are accepted.

All member applicants must also make a donation to the party when applying. Immediate family members may donate on behalf of another applicant.

Please apply only once. If you have any difficulties email us before applying again.

The final step in your application process is making a donation for your membership dues. You’ll be prompted to do so once you’ve submitted your application, or, use the link below.